EmiratesRE is managing its Retakaful fund using Wakalah / Mudaraba Retakaful model.

Where; EmiratesRE shareholders are entitled to Wakalah fees for managing the participant’s fund Retakaful operations, and also entitled to Mudaraba share of the participant’s funds investment returns in return of investment management.

For 2019 financial year:

Annual Wakalah fees charged by EmiratesRE shareholders to participant’s fund will be: ((80% x annual audited operating expenses of shareholder’s fund) x 105%)
The Mudaraba share is calculated as a percentage of the investment returns of the participant fund during the period as follows: 25%:75% (Shareholders: Participants)

Both Wakalah fees & Mudaraba share and the respective policy has been approved by EmiratesRE Shari’ah Board.

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